Born in WITD
A Big, Beautiful, Growing Directory of Published Work by WITD Writers. An incomplete list of essays, stories, and poems that began with a Writing in the Dark exercise!
Hello, friends!
This directory is a (very!) incomplete list of works published in journals and magazines by writers who began their writing process with a Writing in the Dark exercise—either one they found here on Substack or one received in a synchronous, live workshop with me starting in 2020 when I launched the first tiny Writing in the Dark cohort on Zoom.
This list focuses on work that is accepted by a journal/magazine that uses a curated editorial process, and therefore does not include work published by the writers themselves on blogs, websites, or your own Substack. Why would I set that convention, when I myself publish so much here on my own Substack—and when I love so much of what I read elsewhere on Substack?! Because, I also publish my work prolifically in outside journals, magazines, anthologies, and books that use an editorial process, and I teach in such a way that those who want to do the same can improve their odds.
To note: Not everyone needs to want to publish their work! There are so many benefits to a devoted practice of creative writing that have nothing to do with publication. That said, I have found that the more we are willing to wrangle with our words, shape and reshape them, toward this aim of something outside of ourself—that is, toward mattering and making meaning for someone(s) outside of ourself—the more the writing changes us and our lives. In other words, writing in a way that aims toward publication has real benefits, whether or not we ever hit the “submit” button.
Also to note: I know this list is just a fraction of what’s out there, so if you are reading this and see that I missed something of yours, please know it was only because I didn’t have a record of it—so, let me know and I will add you right away!
There’s so much to celebrate here, and so much more to come.
Born in WITD: A Big, Beautiful, Growing (& Very Incomplete) Directory of Published Work by WITD Writers
*if you have something that should be on this list, email—we just started building this & we know it’s very incomplete!
Accidental Thief, New York Times (Tiny Love Story), Mesa Fema
American Crow, Fourth Genre, Tyler Lewke
BEARING WEIGHT, Doctor T J Eckleburg Review, Tamara DeLand
BENT, Calyx, 2019 Margarita Donnelly Prize for Prose Writing First Runner-Up, Billie Oh with Jeannine Ouellette
Beneath The Break, So To Speak, nominated for Pushcart Prize, Billie Oh
Beyond Words Literary, Angie Wright
By The Way, Now That I Think Of It, I Do Have One Or Two Things To Say To You, SmokeLong Quarterly, nominated for Pushcart Prize, Karen Kao
Centipedes, etc., Sweet, Heidi Fettig Parton
Chipping Sparrows Tell Tales of Joy and Sorrow, Does It Have Pockets, Billie Hinton
Colored Pencils, Longridge Review, Melissa Greenwood
Contours, A Literary Landscape (anthology), Kristine Kopperud
Creative Work, Glass Mountain, Catherine Babikian
Dog Adoption Application, Identity Theory, Natalie Mead
Everything You Hold Onto In Your Body Lets Go, Riverteeth Journal’s Beautiful Things column, Billie Hinton
extra tofu, Cosmic Double, Billie Oh
The Game Was To Guess The Words, Writing in the Dark’s Lit Salon, Jocelyn Lovelle
I Didn't Know If I Was Ready For Kids. Then I Became A Single Foster Dad At 27, Huffington Post, Billie Oh
Jaw Wiring: What You Need to Know, Sweet Lit, by Kristine Kopperud
Journey, NC Jung Society’s Annual Poetry Contest (3rd place) , later published in Streetlight Mag, Billie Hinton
Kitchen, Fully Updated, Survive & Thrive: A Journal for Medical Humanities, Kristine Kopperud
Kitchen Instincts, Hippocampus Magazine, Suzanne Orrell, nominated for Best of the Net
Help, Please, Longridge Review, Melissa Greenwood
HOLDING HANDS, Matter Press, Amy Goldmacher
Homebound, Wanderlust, Tamara DeLand
Hue and Cry, Barely South Review, Angie Wright
Lip Service, Awakenings Anthology, Melody Greenfield
Longing Is Not Regret, Citron Review, Billie Hinton
Losing Your Identity, "Heartbeat, and dis·so·lu·tion, Fevers of the Mind, Miri Gould
Lunar Blue, Lumina, Krystyna Sznurkowski
Moon, Book of Matches, Katie Vinson, nominated for Best of the Net
Miscalculating the Gravity of My Situation, Tell Your Story, nominated for Best of the Net and Pushcart Price, Phyllis Unterschuetz
My Renter, My Friend, New York Times, Amy Stonestrom
On Injustice (For My Sister-In-Law), Writing in the Dark’s Lit Salon, Sarah Orman
One Wedding and a Funeral, Dorothy Parkers Ashes, Kresha Warnock
The Once Wife, Brevity, Heidi Fettig Parton, nominated for Best American Essays
Passing the Torch, Yellow Arrow Journal, Michelle Levy
Pacemaker of the Heart, failbetter, nominated for Pushcart Prize, Billie Hinton
Places I Went With My Dad, LongRidge Review, Billie Hinton
Remedy For An Excited Amygdala, Streetlight Mag’s Street Talk column, Billie Hinton
Rock Star, Dorothy Parker’s Ashes, Heidi Fettig Parton
She Wants To Swim With Narwhals, Permafrost, Billie Hinton
Stealing Light, Streetlight Mag’s 2020 Essay Contest 3rd Place, Billie Hinton
Swallows, JMWW, Billie Hinton
Threads, Minerva Rising’s Keeping Room, Billie Hinton
To The Grassy Bald We Named Sweet Bay, The Hopper, nominated for Pushcart Prize, Billie Hinton
An Unraveling, fugue, Heidi Fettig Parton
Unmoored, Fevers of the Mind, Miri Gould
Uses for a Mouth, Gold Man Review, nominated for Pushcart Prize, Melody Greenfield
View from the Backseat, Mutha Magazine, Kristine Kopperud
We Are The Charm, Riverfeet Press’ Awake In The World print anthology v. 3, Billie Hinton
Why Life Is Crazy But Manages Also To Be Beautiful, Door Is A Jar, Summer 2024 print journal, Billie Hinton
We Were Married? Dorothy Parker's Ashes, Angie Wright
What If? League of Minnesota Poets (forthcoming), Rachel Netwal Guvenc
Why...Because, The Ravens Perch, Miri Gould
When Wishes Turn Real, Hippocampus Magazine, Melissa Greenwood
The Weekend Breakfast, Zoetic Press, Melissa Greenwood
Yielding, The Citron Review, Angie Wright
8 LESSONS I’VE LEARNED FROM YOU, MOTHER, A Moon of One's Own, Miri Gould
This is surprisingly moving— I feel like I am looking at new constellations in a sky I thought I already knew. Wonderful.
What a list!!! Blown away in the best way. ❤️❤️❤️