Thank you, Jeannine and Billie! This is right on time. And Emily always. 💛 see you on the interwebs among the Woodland creatures.

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Thankyou so much Jeannine. I recently bought a massive and recently published book “The Letters of Emily Dickinson”. It’s part of my quest to understand her appeal. It seems that almost everyone thinks she is amazing but I don’t get it. So I keep reading more and more about her, and her life, to try and see why she is considered so highly. From my perspective she just seems to be very fortunate to be educated, literate and not have to work to support herself. I think about my ancestors of that time, who signed their names with crosses on their wedding certificates and had to labour on farms and in mines, and wonder what they might have thought, or what they might have written if they were not concerned with simply survival! Given the achievements of my children with their great good fortune in education and climate, I cannot imagine that our ancestors were any less thoughtful. 🤷🏼‍♀️

If that makes sense!

I look forward to the letters. It is indeed a shame that we don’t send those hard copies so much any more.


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Can’t wait!!

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Looking forward to this intensive. I am intrigued on ways to write letters with meaning, substance to heal in transformative way, but also curious on other ways to write letters that are weird and strange which have a message inside of them to make you think differently about life.

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Excited to dive in! In a very focused period of writing - letter form may serve some of it. I do my best to keep up and very excited I can revisit these intensives anytime as a paid member. 🌻🫶🌻

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