This is so exciting! I really want to go for it more this year and keep submitting! ♥️🤟🏽✨

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Really excited about this! I look forward to writing (expanding on a concept) and submitting a piece.

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Jeannine you are the bomb! So engaged, inspiring and generous. Like everything you do, this is superlative.

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I LOVE that you said I am the bomb!! It reminds me of when my kids were teenagers--those were wild, intense years and I wasn't probably the bomb then but they taught me so much. Thanks for this, Anna! xoxo

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Oh I cannot wait - both to dive into your exercises and to see what you publish!! What a brilliant way of framing it all - inspired 😍

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Yay, Emma. It's going to be wonderful, I can already see it.

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Recovering from Covid, so late to the party, but I just want to say I’m THRILLED about this idea. It feels like a sun rise - the dawn of a new WITD era. Brilliant. I can hardly wait to read WITDer’s work and learn about their writing/revising and your editing process. Inspired to shoot for this star 💫 Thank you, Jeannine ♥️

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I am so sorry about the Covid, Monika, hope you are feeling better. xoxo

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Thanks Jeannine <3. Watch out for the FLiRT variant! It flattened me.

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Ugh, I just can't get it again. I have had it 3 times! Sending you love!

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Ugh. THREE TIMES??!! Sending you some of my new-found immunity ♥️

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Well this is all very exciting! And such a marvelous example of literary citizenship -- Allison K WIlliams talks about "bridges" rather than platforms, when she answers the "what about my writing platform" question: she says a platform is something you stand on and shout from, whereas a bridge--or a circle around a campfire--is about connection. I am, as they say, a longtime listener first-time commenter...but I may gather my courage and send you something in response to a prompt. Yay!

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I love love love Allison K Williams and she is a stellar example of literary citizenship, may I someday be able to do half what she does! And I do so hope you will send something! You must read today's installment, the first in this new series. I have to say, I am so so so so so excited about it all, because it is exactly as you say, a circle around a campfire. The comments under today's post, with Jocelyn Lovelle's essay--the intelligence, the mutual curiosity and excitement, the granular discussion of the writing, and, of course, the cheering!--it's really wonderful. https://writinginthedark.substack.com/p/the-game-was-to-guess-the-words

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OMG Jeannine- you are just like that , a publisher of creative works! . Even if I never submit anything, I think this is so cool and. honored to be among “the invited”!

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What an amazing opportunity. From hanging out with incredible writers to enjoy and learn from, to learning from you, and from your graciousness in providing writers with a safe platform to grow. Truth, it feels a little intimidating, and I'm thinking that's a good thing.

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It's a really good thing! You know what they say about doing what is outside of our comfort zone. That little bit of heartbeat picking up? That's our bodies saying ... yes. I know it feels like fear, but it's something a little more alive and beautiful than actual fear, which I know you know from what you already said. Anyway, it's a win-win, because even though I can only share just so many of the pieces I will receive, everyone who takes the time to polish a piece, revise it toward this submission call, is going to come away a better writer and also will have a thing they polished to a shine, which will always be theirs no matter what. I mean, that's really cool! That's what I always tell myself as I toil away on my stuff toward its uncertain future. If I'm making something beautiful for a possible future in the world, that alone feels like a big, big win to me. ❤️

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That’s so beautiful and encouraging and inspiring.

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Good!! I am glad to hear that. xo

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I'm excited about this!!

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Yay, me too! It's the coolest idea I've had since, well ... maybe WITD Camp, haha. This space sure is giving me a LOT of unexpected ideas. It feels so alive.

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What a wonderful offering. Thx for the opportunity. 🙏

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You are more than welcome. I am so looking forward to it!

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What a generous offer! It's easier for me to do the work of revision when I have an immediate and compelling reason (something I'm realizing as these words are coming out), and submitting to a journal I have no connection to is never compelling. (Thus, my 0 submissions so far this year.) This feels so much better. It feels like it's about deepening the community of practice you've created. It's about something more than the written work, and that's both rare and very cool.

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Thank you for those words--yes, yes, yes yes yesyesyesyes that is EXACTLY what it can be, deepening the community of practice. May I please use that language, it is perfect? And we all--or, the vast vast majority of us--need a compelling reason if not an actual deadline. Geez, maybe I should have seasonal deadlines for this, for no other reason than to give people something to push against. Anyway, thank you so much, I am so excited! This is going to be so wonderful for us all! I don't even feel weird saying that, the idea came to me fully formed after I read the emailed submission. It was like, this is not even my idea. It was given to me from the world and her and all of you and, I suppose, my experience in live workshops where we wish we had this, this way of capturing the fruits of our labors, which are so beautiful, but can't, and simply have to hug and say goodbye. But here, we can do it! And it is just so so so good.

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Of course you can use my words! I owe so many of them to you. 🙂 And deadlines are just another limitation, right? I know I'm a writer who does better with limitations! Sometimes great ideas/things come to us in a seeming flash, but they are almost always the result or culmination of so much groundwork. The good ones, anyway. Then it just feels like the right next step, and it's easy to know that it is. So great to watch this unfold for you/us.

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This is the best idea! (And you are going to be inundated with submissions!) You, my love, have found the most loving and supportive way to lift up your subscribers. People who have never written before are now writers--because of you. (And some will now also be paid and published writers!) I shouldn't be at all surprised, actually--this is so up your full-hearted alley. Looking forward to seeing this in action.

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And this--that you can see and say this: "people who have never written before are now writers--because of you" is why I absolutely love you. I feel that in my in-person workshops and have felt it for all these years, but there's never been a way to capture it that I could imagine taking on, you know--an anthology or journal felt like too much work and too big a toll on my own writing. This, though, I am looking forward to with all my heart!!

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We’re so lucky!

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What a thrill! I was just playing with the concept of a "Laundry Day" post, where I give away the rough-hewn bits and bobs along with my responses to your Visceral Self prompts as opposed to hoarding them until they're ready. I'd be shining them up regardless - can't wait to submit and to bask in the trembling glory of my fellow Darkwriters.

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Laundry Day!! That is so brilliant. Please send me some of your socks haha!

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Oh, this is so lovely! I can’t wait to read what is shared through this. Have been lurking through the current intensive as I work on some other projects - aided by the story challenge exercises - but can’t wait to dive into those exercises soon!

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Yay! And remember, you can use old exercises. Any exercise since the beginning is eligible material ❤️❤️❤️

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Cool! I’m busy all day and tomorrow is thick so I’ll submit when I can soon. Thanks for doing this!

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Yes! It will be so fun. There is no hurry. I’ll be doing these all year until—who knows? I’m excited!

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