Jul 9Liked by Jeannine Ouellette

So so so excited. This, "I also trust that this intersection of fear and excitement is where the new things come from, and where we become most capable of making my best art and my best life, where we are most capable of becoming our truest selves." Cannot wait!

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Jocelyn, yay!! I cannot wait to write with you!!

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Sweet— this is going to be amazing

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ohmygosh, yes it is!!

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Yes! This! And GROUPS!!

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Eeek so happy so many wonderful faces and writers will be there!!

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Eeeek! So excited you'll be there too!

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I am in! So glad you are as well, Jocelyn. Such a great sentence you selected here from Jeannine's description of SCHOOL. So look forward to learning with you, Jocelyn, and Jeannine and Billie and lots of other voyagers in the beautiful darkness of our craft.

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Yay, Amy! We arw going to write so hard and have so much fun!

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Gah!!!! I am So, So “Nervacited!!!” (Nervous, but mostly Excited☺️)

It is only because I have lived in the writing world you’ve built & nurtured here in WITD- one of robust, enviable talent that- instead of triggering ever more of my imposter syndrome-meets me with enthusiasm & encouragement- that I have the courage to do this! 😆

I am prepared for my world to ‘crash around me,’ as you say, (as it quite predictably does🤪😂) & for this to be a space I can escape to for solace, & delight.

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What a beautiful vision we share, Colleen. This is how I usually feel, too. Really, really, really glad to write with you. Thank you for trusting me.

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Jul 9Liked by Jeannine Ouellette

Oh that's so gorgeous, Colleen. Me too!

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Yay! And queasycited right along with you!

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🥰🥰🥰 Sooo Happy you will be there Emily!!!! Your close readings are extraordinary ✨✨✨

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We are all so lucky, truly.

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Jul 9Liked by Jeannine Ouellette

You all make it possible to show up as myself and I am so grateful!

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That’s so much of the point, isn’t it—showing up as ourselves. If I can get that far in this life, it will be something to revel in.

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Jul 9Liked by Jeannine Ouellette

Something to revel in. So much yes, and it sounds like a title.

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Jul 9Liked by Jeannine Ouellette

It is pretty heady reveling you’ve created here!!! Just sayin’. 💜💜💜

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They ARE. My goal is to get better at that. Essentially, it’s for me, being a better listener

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❤️Thank you, Colleen. I am eager to soak up more gorgeous work and deepen all this incredible practice together!

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I feel the same way!

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( I am having so much fun playing tag with you through the comments this morning! 😂😂)

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Jul 9·edited Jul 9Liked by Jeannine Ouellette

This sounds epic! Do you have a sense of the time commitment to do all the things involved? I know it is not required to do all the things, but for my own mind, I feel better if I can fully commit and then meet that commitment. Also, when you mentioned this class before I was like I probably can't/shouldn't do it because it will be like $3000 :)

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Amy it would be so amazing to write with you. We’re saying in the FAQ that writers should budget about two hours a week minimum, and of course sometimes you might spend more time (and other times your life will crash around you and you will spend less time). We have nine months, so we can breathe through this and take it as we are. Some writers might spend a lot more time (surely some will) but if you can budget two hours a week, you will grow your writing significantly during the year of SCHOOL. Let me know if you have other questions! xo

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I'm reading through the comments to try to decide. The price is high for me. But I want support!! So, the two hours--. Does this include the cohort time and in the cohorts, is it that we get things from people in email then respond? So the two hours is not doing the writing, right? Sorry. I have never participated in such a large forum before.

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Jul 9Liked by Jeannine Ouellette

I also was steeling myself for a high tuition amount . . . ;)

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We wanted it to be as accessible as possible, and felt it was best to keep the price down but allow for a larger main cohort and smaller working groups. This way Billie and I can still give SCHOOL the significant time and attention it will require to create the value we care about, and earn a viable income from that labor, without charging so much that it rules people out from the jump. Our former WITD 6-week sessions were $499 so this feels like an incredible value but still feels sustainable to us as the creators. We put a lot of thought into it, so I appreciate your comment a lot. ❤️

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Jul 9Liked by Jeannine Ouellette

This is so generous and beautiful. I thought it would be much more expensive, which would have been harder for me to say yes to. I'm also very glad to hear that it feels good to you and Billie. xo

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I love the combination of a large main cohort and smaller working groups!!!

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Jul 9Liked by Jeannine Ouellette

Me too!

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It is an incredible value, and I’m grateful. Most of all I love the spaciousness of the 9 month timeframe. My nervous system really welcomes that.

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Jul 9Liked by Jeannine Ouellette

I am in! I can’t wait!

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Thank goodness, Emily. We can't really do it without you.

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Jul 9Liked by Jeannine Ouellette


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Monika— I have never been so excited about school starting!

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Hurrah! I’m so excited to write with you ❤️

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Back at you!!

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Yay! Am so glad!

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Jul 9Liked by Jeannine Ouellette

I can’t wait!

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Jul 9Liked by Jeannine Ouellette

Thank you for this opportunity, Jeannine and Billie! I have never been so excited to go back to "SCHOOL." Very excited to see where those nine months will take us all <3

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We cannot wait to write with you, Angela!

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Yay! Excited to write with you Angela!!

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Likewise, Monika!

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I am obviously IN. Thank you a million times. I can’t wait.

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Jul 9Liked by Jeannine Ouellette

I AM SO IN! ❤️👏👏👏

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Jillian, that is GREAT news!!

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Jul 9Liked by Jeannine Ouellette

So very very very excited to be going back to school! I have said this before but it is worth repeating - I have been involved in writing workshops that cost significantly more and offered less. As another WITD member wrote earlier, I had prepared myself for school to cost a couple of thousand dollars (which I would have paid!) The value of your offering

truly incredible and much appreciated!

Thank you Jeannine and Billie! Looking forward to August too with Strange Containers!!!

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Oh my thank you, Lisa! We are looking forward, too!

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🥰🥰🥰So Grateful to be here✨✨✨

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Jul 9Liked by Jeannine Ouellette

If I could tapdance, I would! See all y'all in September. (And I'll be on vacation during that first meeting, but if I can swing it, I'll show up.)

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AMAZING! And although we forgot to say so in the post (added it now, though), we will be recording. So if you have to miss, all will still be well, though we will surely miss YOU.

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Jul 9Liked by Jeannine Ouellette

Yay! Thanks for this clarification Jeannine! I emailed you about this very thing this morning!

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Yes!!! I was in meetings, hopefully Billie was able to respond to you; we would love love love to write with you!

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Jul 9Liked by Jeannine Ouellette

Yes so much!

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Jul 9Liked by Jeannine Ouellette

Oh thanks for the recording option! If I'm able, I still want to be there in person, though, to catch the energy in the "room".......

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Yes, yes, for sure much better to be in the room, fingers crossed for you!

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Jul 9Liked by Jeannine Ouellette

Eeek! I did it. I'm registered. Can't wait for this! I've always loved school and we have the BEST teacher ever!!

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Omg Vanessa! I didn’t use your quote to persuade you btw. I used it because it’s beautiful and makes me so happy. As does knowing I’ll be writing with you in this deep way!

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Jul 9Liked by Jeannine Ouellette

Oh, don't worry! I was already persuaded ;) I'm super excited and know this will be so much better than any other writing class I've done before, because of you and your special kind of magic. xoxo

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Jul 9Liked by Jeannine Ouellette


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Oh I want this so much! I have to sit carefully to discern if I have enough time and funds to devote to this. Jeannine, is this offered every year?

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Hi, Kristina! We hope so— I suppose it depends on how it goes? But we have been teaching this way for a long time and have high expectations for a wonderful year. Also, please don’t hesitate to reach out with questions about the program or the tuition. ❤️

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Omg. This is going to change lives. Weeeeeeeee! 🤸 🤸 🤸

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So happy to be amongst such talented writers!! It’s gonna be a blast!! 🎉💃🏻🎉

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I feel the same way!! 💕

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Yes yes yes!!!!!

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Jul 10Liked by Jeannine Ouellette

I’m all signed up and sooo excited to continue to evolve, grow and stretch myself, as I encourage all of y’all on your journeys as well. This community has really held me and encouraged me during one of my most difficult years - words cannot express my appreciation and gratitude. I’m blessed and grateful to be here with all of you! Let’s GO!!!! ✍🏻📓📚✍🏻📓📚✍🏻📓📚

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I look at those emojis and feel so much joy. I’m really honored to have been any small part of lifting you up this year, Kathy. Thanks for being here. You lift up others, as well, as I am sure you know.

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Thank you, Jeannine - so kind and supportive, as always! Truly appreciate all you and Billie do for all of us! I know the path to my memoir is thru your guidance and teaching. I feel it in my bones! And maybe a bit of flash fiction here and there along the way! 😉

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Jul 10Liked by Jeannine Ouellette

Just went to add it to my calendar, and couldn’t help but notice our first Zoom is on, what would’ve been my Tommy’s 32nd birthday - as if I needed another reason to sign up! 💜🙏🏻💫

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Oh my gosh, Kathy. That gave me shivers.

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Jul 10Liked by Jeannine Ouellette

I know - I can’t make this stuff up! He’s right beside me on my writing journey. Making sure I don’t slow down! 💕👼🏻💕

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