Feb 26Liked by Jeannine Ouellette

So thrilled to be a fragile daisy in this iron chain. Gorgeous. Recognition, and coming home to myself in the other is a delicious constant for me here with y’all. I am feeling it amplified in the writing and in my truest relationships, too. What a gift, to know and feel that in real time and to soften the knowing of past selves, too. You are, as ever, a treasure.

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Feb 26Liked by Jeannine Ouellette

Jeannine, I feel like I was meant to come across your Substack through my gift subscription, which I received last week and I will definitely be continuing. I’m exploring very similar themes and ideas in my writing here on Substack and in my fiction, and it is so amazing to find someone else feeling and thinking the same sorts of things as me. You are me and I am you and we are everything! 💙💙💙

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This is beautiful Jeannine. I was in the perfect mood to receive these words this morning. "Prayer is a loaded word, but what about the question of that other thing, that aspect of ourselves that is even larger than ourselves? Is there power there?" Yes, I so believe, yes. Thank you, Jeannine.

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Feb 26Liked by Jeannine Ouellette

Again, Jeannine, you have opened my heart and changed my life. This is brilliant. Thank you.❤️

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Feb 27Liked by Jeannine Ouellette

Hi Jeannine, I'm new to this space and have as you say, "walked the long path back to myself from a painful childhood." I'm also here to say I may have the lost recipe for your great aunt's butterscotch pie. At lease, I've got a recipe from my great aunt that fits the description. Let me know if you'd like me to pass it along:). Very grateful to be here.

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I come from a Tantric yoga background, and this gorgeous post feels very Tantric to me. The lusciousness of the words and where and how they take you deeper. In Tantra, we are thought to be all mirrors of one another. A reflection of the parts of us we love, are afraid of, dislike and want to grow into and more of. It also reminds me of one of my favorite quotes from one of my favorite teachers, @professordouglasbrooks: "I am not you. I am something like you. I am nothing but you."

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“Stars in our eyes, in our palms, in our bones, on our tongues. Stars from whence we came and to which we shall return.”

Beautiful, Jeannine. It reminds me of my favorite scientist-philosopher Carl Sagan: “The Cosmos is within us. We are made of star-stuff. We are the way to the universe to know itself”

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Feb 27Liked by Jeannine Ouellette

Stars, and stars, and stars… indeed. 🌟

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Feb 26Liked by Jeannine Ouellette

Thank you for this gracious, incisive, hope filled post to begin the week.

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Feb 26Liked by Jeannine Ouellette

Heart broken today- read your beautiful words through tears. Just found out estranged best friend from high school died 2 years ago. Too late does come or can she live through my stories. My sister in hospice… I’ll go blow my nose now.

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Feb 26Liked by Jeannine Ouellette

The quantum is a place where I spend mental time out of necessity. It's difficult to explain but when I'm in that space I feel connected to source. That you're bringing up the quantum... I'm awed but also not surprised. I feel the thread in all you wrote... the connection with source and all things. I love you and all of the things you call forth.

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Feb 26Liked by Jeannine Ouellette

Thank you, Jeannine. This piece encapsulates all I hold true about energetics. The synchronies that are never really coincidental because we are all intertwined. I feel this deeply and wish I could articulate it as beautifully as you! You deliver this same "oneness" you write about - collective fusion with your readers!

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Feb 26Liked by Jeannine Ouellette

I have really wanted to think of the Bobs of my life as Other. I appreciate this poetic invitation to see them differently, which is one to see ourselves differently, too.

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I do not know how you do what you do! Your writing never fails to rip me open, or put me together. This. This writing is so very richly infused with all of my beliefs; the words you use to convey the complicated subject of quantum physics is stated simply and succinctly. Thank you.

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Morning! So many lines to appreciate, and then one jumps out and onto my page as a place to start. I'm always grateful for inspiration that I get to act on. Thanks for this line, "... inevitable that every encounter I have is another encounter with myself." And so I sat on the edge of the bed stringing words and scribbling drawn marks by book light with the inhales and exhales of a 3 year old and 1 year old in the background. Thanks for the visceral process, moments of freedom in time for this mama. Looking forward to April!

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Feb 27Liked by Jeannine Ouellette

Beautiful 🌟

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