Jul 2Liked by Jeannine Ouellette

I'm so glad you're taking time off! See you next week.

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Thanks, Peg ❤️

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Jul 2Liked by Jeannine Ouellette

Can’t wait to listen! And thanks for modeling your humanity. I spent a day with my heart in my throat yesterday after being e x c e p t i o n a l l y human, so I FEEL YOU. Hopefully you feel nothing at the dentist, and all the wonderful things for the 4th.

And I have my finger poised over my mouse for 7/9! Safe travels to you all, and a wonderful week to everyone in this enchanted space.

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And more safe travels to you, friend — here’s to our ability to be human ❤️

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Jul 2Liked by Jeannine Ouellette


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Jul 2Liked by Jeannine Ouellette

What “big dumb mistake” did you make Jeannine? Accidentally kill someone?? Please, kindness and compassion towards our tired, human selves! 💕 and happy holiday with the family!

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Hahahaha oh Imola you have me

A good laugh right as I’m walking into … the dentist! Thank you! I actually almost gave myself a heart attack from the error. I’ll explain later but for now, thank you! Yes,

compassion! I was actually trying to do a good deed!

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Jul 2Liked by Jeannine Ouellette

Glad I could at least make you laugh! Will watch the interview!

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Jul 2Liked by Jeannine Ouellette

I hope you have the best time away Jeannine!! Your place looks magical in all the best ways. I really enjoyed your conversation with Evelyn (love her!)!! It's so fun to see two of my favorites come together and have such an enriching conversation!

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She’s such a sparkler — so smart, so warm, so inspiring!!

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Jul 2Liked by Jeannine Ouellette

I’m always making mistakes, then fixing them as best I can and moving on. I have never found any other way through life - Thank you for my daily dose of "Jeannine wisdom"! ❤️ I may have to print this one because I am forever being too hard on myself for the mistakes I make.

The pictures are wonderful. Your cabin does indeed seem like one of the most beautiful places in the world! Have a wonderful holiday with your family!

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There's no point in pummeling ourselves for our mistakes and I share mine openly specifically to model that. I wasn't doing anything bad. I just made a mistake. We don't need to feel so much shame about everything!! Love to you, Flavia. xoxoxo

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Have a wonderful July 4th weekend with your family at the cabin. And I am so excited about all that’s coming for WITD.

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Thank you! You have a wonderful weekend, too. xo

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Jul 2Liked by Jeannine Ouellette

We LOVE being human with you, Jeannine! Thank you for the cabin and lake pics, they are soothing. Enjoy! xo

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Jul 2Liked by Jeannine Ouellette

Isn't living all about making mistakes, fixing, making more, learning? My biggest lesson from all that is not beating myself up (as much). And my positive self talk is a hoot! May the 4th be with you, Jeannine💙

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I just love how you are ‘perfectly imperfectly human’ with the rest of us (which is Just Perfect 💕😉)!! Your photos are just magical!! I wish you a holiday mixed with just the right blend of sweet-slow & brimming-joy! May you collect buckets & buckets of memories to cherish!!

Put Tuesday on my calendar!! 😆💕

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❤️ ❤️ ❤️

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Jul 2Liked by Jeannine Ouellette

Pictures. Fill me with images, as rich as your words!

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Thanks Alecia!!

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Is your course suitable for new writers?

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and Claire, if you are interested and want to know more to mull a little, I can send you early, unedited. not camera ready info. But the webpage and official description and registration link won't be ready till 7/9. Thank you in any case for your interest in writing and learning with us.

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Absolutely. Yes. Studying these works makes us better writers no matter our starting point, so it will be a good challenge at all levels while also accessible for beginners. That’s part of what makes it so special. It’s about advancing our craft from wherever we are. ❤️

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Have the most beautiful weekend with your family in those ethereal surroundings.

About the mistakes. Please know this: when I find a mistake on a newsletter that got sent out, my first thought ALWAYS is that this happens to my writing teacher extraordinaire Jeannine too. I stopped beating myself up about it because of you.

I've lost the plot the last couple of months with my WITD learning. I'm ready to come back. I decided about 3 months ago to taper off my low dose anti depressant, because I was ready and ( the universe sent me this sign) because I REALLY noticed during embodied writing how distant I was from digging into the depths I want to go. So - cough - ready and vulnerable AF 😂. See you soon. Much love.

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Yes to unplugged vacations! Your cabin looks like such a delightful getaway. My soul feels recharged just looking at the photos. (Canoes! Lit up tents! Frannie on the dock!! 🐾)

I loved the interview. You and Evelyn have a warm chemistry together. I MMMMMMM’d out loud when you said this: “I really want to show up for the life that I’m living not the life that I lived.” 🎯

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Enjoy your well deserved break ♥️

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Have a beautiful time in your cabin. What a sweet looking doggy.

It was very nice to listen to the interview and put a face and body to all of these amazing words.

I look forward to learning and a new writing bloom!

So human !

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Mistakes are how we learn - I’m famous at work for saying, Yup I messed up, but no one died, so if that’s the worst thing that happens today, I can live with that! It helps my techs realize I’m human and as compassionate with myself as I am with them, as I train them. The hardest ones to teach are the ones who refuse to give themselves grace in the learning process. And, in pharmacy, the learning literally never stops cuz there is innovation and change happening daily!

Thank you for being humble and human right along with the rest of us. Please enjoy your family time - what a great celebration it will be with Z as a full-fledged family member now!! Making memories is what summers are all about! Your place looks idyllic! Safe travels! Will be awaiting your return so I can sign up on Tuesday!! ✍🏻📓📚

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